Regen Network — How to stake with stake2earn using Keplr wallet

3 min readApr 15, 2021


What is Regen Network?

Regen Network is a Blockchain startup that has as main focus ecological data, especially in the agriculture space.

Their company goal is to reinvent the economics of agriculture, by buying and selling ecosystem service credits in the open marketplace for climate solutions.

How to stake using stake2earn 🌜?

1. Get Keplr

Keplr is a browser extension wallet for the Inter blockchain ecosystem, so the only thing to do is go on Google and install the extension:

After this, you will need to set up your Keplr wallet. For this, please follow this tutorial:

2. Deposit your Regen tokens

Select your chain as Regen Network and click on ‘Deposit’ button. This way, you can send your Regen tokens in the address that was just generated by Keplr wallet.

3. Stake your Regen tokens

From your Keplr wallet, please click on ‘Stake’ button in the bottom of the page.

4. Choose stake2earn as your validator

You will be displayed with the list of all validators. Now, you need to either scroll down the page until you find stake2earn or select CTRL + F and enter stake2earn.

After you find stake2earn, you will need to click on ‘Manage’ and then on ‘Delegate’

5. Choose your staking amount

Now, you will be prompted to enter the amount of Regen tokens you want to stake with stake2earn. Then, you can click on ‘Delegate’ once more.

6. Approve transaction

In the last step, you will need to choose your gas fee and click on ‘Approve’ the transaction.

Be aware that there are 3 types of gas fees: low, average and high. These are standard fees and depending on your choice, the transaction may be completed faster or slower.

You are all set to go now, and enjoy your rewards! 😊

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the stake2earn team via Telegram or e-mail:

We are also very social, and you can find us on:

